By RacketStar News on Tuesday, 21 March 2023
Category: Tennis News

How to Hit an Overhead Smash

Hitting an overhead shot in tennis is an important skill that can help you win points quickly and efficiently. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to hit an overhead shot in tennis:

  1. Positioning: First, position yourself in the correct location. This means moving into the area near the net, known as the "no man's land" where you can anticipate a lobbed ball coming towards you.
  2. Preparation: As the ball is coming towards you, you need to prepare yourself for the shot. Turn your body sideways, with your non-dominant shoulder facing the net, and keep your eyes on the ball.
  3. Racquet positioning: Hold your racquet with both hands, with your dominant hand on the bottom of the grip. Raise the racquet above your head with your elbows bent, so that your wrists are slightly behind your head.
  4. Swing: As the ball comes towards you, use your non-dominant hand to point to the ball and to help you with balance. Then, swing your racquet back in a circular motion, bringing it down and forward to make contact with the ball. Make sure to hit the ball at the highest point possible to maximize power and accuracy.
  5. Follow-through: After making contact with the ball, follow through with your swing by bringing your racquet down towards your opposite hip.

Remember to practice hitting overhead shots regularly to improve your technique and confidence in executing the shot during a match. 

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