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Djokovic and Becker Shocks Tennis World with Breakup

First of all, I was as shocked and disappointed by this news as any Djokovic fan. I don’t think many people expected them to end the partnership this abruptly after all the success they had.

There were all kinds of rumors but I didn’t think the two would part ways just because Djokovic slumped after the French Open which seemed very normal in many ways. It is impossible to know the exact reason they decided to end the partnership because we are not part of the inner circle.

Becker may not even know for sure but as you can see in the above video the personal problems around the time of Wimbledon according to Becker was due to the fact that Djokovic and his wife was not spending enough time together.

I think marriage problems may well be the issue here although I want to make clear that I am speculating like everyone else. I just think Djokovic has looked subdued of late like his hands are tied.

For a tennis player or anyone else for that matter to be highly successful, there are many things that have to fall into place. It is not just one thing or what goes on on the court. Your personal life and relationships are very important too.

If you don’t have the right partner in marriage it can easily ruin you. Again, I’m not saying this is the case here. Becker says Jelena is a supportive wife but of course, he is not gonna say she is the problem.

A lot of people have blamed Pepe Imaz, Djokovic’s new spiritual counselor for his problems, but he is probably just someone Djokovic was looking to for council with the difficult situation he is facing.

Tennis, being an individual sport, requires you to be selfish if you want to succeed. If you don’t have the right partner in marriage it can easily destroy your relationship. Let’s take Federer for example.


He is married to Mirka who was a tennis player herself, understands the situation, and is extremely supportive. The ‘personal problems’ Djokovic had may well be the fact that Jelena requires Djokovic to spend more time with her and that she doesn’t understand what is required or isn’t prepared to support Djokovic unconditionally.

She is attractive but unfortunately the attractive ones are usually high maintenance. A man can consider himself extremely lucky if he finds a very attractive woman who will support him unconditionally.

That said, Djokovic is the one attaining all the success and Jelena should be playing the supportive role. It is not like Djokovic will play tennis for his entire life professionally anyway. A tennis player’s career is  short compared to other professions.

Jelena will have Djokovic for herself for the rest of her life when he retires and all the better for her if he achieves his full potential in tennis. If she really cares about him then that is what she would want for him anyway.

Unfortunately, people can be quite selfish and immature which is why your partner in marriage is one of the most important choices you will ever make. That is if you decide to get married.

I found myself in a confused state when I heard the news that Becker and Djokovic are breaking up but the more I read and talked to people the clearer the likely reason became for this shocking and disappointing breakup.

It may well be the case that Jelena doesn’t want to share Djokovic with Becker and with tennis because Djokovic has undergone the most strange and abrupt transformation of late.

From a guy who emulates Tesla and wants to become his equivalent in tennis Djokovic now looks like a tame and subdued man with his hands tied behind his back. Like a caged lion. If that is not a tragic sight I don’t know what is.

Original author: Ru-an
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