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배드민턴 기술 종류 알아보기 [2023]

배드민턴은 셔틀콕을 넘기고 받는 게임이에요. 즐겁게 친구들과 놀 수 있는 동시에, 몸을 움직여 운동도 하는 멋진 게임이죠. 그럼 아래에서 배드민턴 기술 종류에 대해 자세히 살펴볼게요.

배드민턴은 우리나라뿐만 아니라 전 세계적으로 많이 하는 운동이에요. 친구들과 함께할 수 있고, 쉽게 배울 수 있어서 인기가 많아요.

스트로크는 배드민턴에서 셔틀콕을 치는 방법을 말해요. 잘 치면 점수를 얻을 수 있으니, 정말 중요한 거예요.

스트로크를 잘 칠수록 게임에서 더 잘할 수 있어요. 셔틀콕을 어떻게 치냐에 따라 승부가 갈릴 수도 있으니까요.

서브는 배드민턴 게임을 시작할 때 셔틀콕을 치는 거예요. 제일 먼저 공격하는 기회니까 중요해요.

배드민턴 기술 종류

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배드민턴 스트로크 종류 정리 [2023]

배드민턴이라는 놀이에서 ‘스트로크’라는 기술은 매우 중요해요. ‘스트로크’를 잘 이용하면 배드민턴 실력이 많이 좋아질 수 있어요. 오늘은 배드민턴에서 쓰이는 ‘스트로크’의 종류와 중요성에 대해 알아볼 거예요.

스트로크는 배드민턴에서 기본적인 기술 중 하나에요. 이것은 공을 어떻게 치는지를 뜻하는 거예요. 힘과 조절, 속도와 정확성은 모두 스트로크에 속하는 부분이고, 이런 것들이 경기에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있어요.

서브라는 기술부터 드라이브, 스매시, 드롭샷, 네트 플레이, 그리고 수비까지, 각각의 스트로크 기술들은 각각 다른 목적과 역할을 가지고 있어요.

서브는 경기가 시작할 때, 그리고 각 라운드가 시작할 때 사용하는 스트로크에요. 이 기술은 상대방의 움직임을 제어하고 다음 스트로크를 준비하는 역할을 해요.

드라이브 스트로크는 빠르고 강하게 공을 치는 기술이에요. 이 스트로크는 배드민턴 라켓으로 공을 어떻게 치는지, 그리고 몸을 어떻게 움직이는지, 균형을 어떻게 잡는지가 중요해요.

배드민턴 스트로크 종류
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배드민턴 규칙 정리 [2023]

배드민턴은 두 선수 또는 두 팀이 네트를 통해 서로에게 공을 넘기는 경기입니다. 공은 라켓을 사용하여 차게 되며, 목표는 공을 상대방 코트 내로 착지시키는 것입니다. 빠르게 움직이는 공을 쳐서 상대방 코트에 착지시키는 것은 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 이를 위해서는 탁월한 손눈의 조화와 기술이 필요합니다.

배드민턴의 역사는 그 뿌리를 고대 그리스 시대까지 거슬러 올라갑니다. 그러나 현대 배드민턴의 형태는 19세기 후반 영국에서 시작되었습니다. 배드민턴은 시간이 지남에 따라 계속 발전하였고, 지금은 전 세계적으로 널리 인기를 끌고 있는 스포츠입니다.

배드민턴 코트는 사각형으로, 네트를 통해 두 개의 동일한 부분으로 나뉩니다. 코트의 각 부분은 서브를 하는 선수가 서 있는 곳인 서비스 코트로 나뉘어져 있습니다. 네트는 코트 중앙에 설치되며, 그 높이는 중앙에서 1.524미터, 양 끝에서 1.55미터입니다.

배드민턴을 치는 데 필요한 장비는 라켓과 셔틀콕입니다. 라켓은 일반적으로 경량의 합성 재료로 만들어지며, 셔틀콕은 치기 쉽게 무게를 잘 분산시키기 위해 깃털로 만들어집니다.

배드민턴 게임은 플레이어가 서브를 시작하는 것으로 시작합니다. 그 후, 플레이어들은 셔틀콕이 그들의 코트에 착지하도록 상대방의 코트로 계속 넘깁니다.

배드민턴 규칙

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테니스 입문 가이드 [2023]

테니스는 세계적으로 널리 알려진 랠리 스포츠 중 하나로, 두 명 또는 네 명의 선수가 네트를 사이에 두고 공을 쳐서 상대방의 코트에 넣는 것을 목표로 하는 경기입니다. 경기는 각 세트의 점수를 기록하며 진행되고, 가장 많은 세트를 이긴 선수 또는 팀이 승리하게 됩니다. 아래에서 테니스 입문 가이드를 자세히 살펴보세요.

테니스의 역사는 12세기로 거슬러 올라갈 수 있으며, 이것은 손으로 공을 쳐서 진행하는 게임에서 시작되었습니다. 그 이후, 16세기에 라켓이 도입되었고, 이후에 현대 테니스의 형태가 점차 모습을 드러내기 시작했습니다. 테니스는 19세기 영국에서 현대적인 규칙과 장비, 코트의 형태가 정립되어, 그 후로 전 세계에 널리 퍼져나가게 되었습니다.

테니스 규칙 이해하기

테니스 입문으로 들어가서 테니스의 점수 체계는 고유하고 독특합니다. 게임의 점수는 0(러브), 15, 30, 40의 순서로 증가하며, 선수가 한 게임에서 네 점을 먼저 따면 그 게임에서 승리하게 됩니다. 만약 40-40(듀스)의 상황에서 선수가 두 점을 연속해서 따게 되면 그 게임에서 승리하게 됩니다.

서브는 테니스 경기를 시작하는 가장 기본적인 플레이입니다. 서브를 하는 선수는 먼저 볼을 투구하고, 이어서 볼을 자신의 코트에서 상대방의 서비스 박스로 쳐서 보내야 합니다. 리턴은 상대방의 서브를 받아내는 플레이입니다. 선수는 상대방이 서브한 공이 자신의 코트에 닿기 전에 쳐서 상대방의 코트로 돌려보내야 합니다.

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테니스 규칙 총 정리 [2023]

테니스는 전략, 기술, 규칙이 복잡하게 얽혀 있는 아름다운 스포츠입니다. 처음에는 다소 어렵게 느껴질 수 있지만, 이 게임의 기본적인 규칙을 이해한다면 테니스의 매력을 더욱 깊이 이해할 수 있습니다. 본문에서는 테니스의 기본 규칙부터 상세한 전략까지, 초보자가 알아야 할 모든 것을 알려드리겠습니다.

테니스는 간결하면서도 복잡한 규칙으로 이루어져 있습니다. 테니스 코트의 구조와 크기를 이해하는 것은 게임을 이해하는 첫걸음입니다. 코트는 정사각형 모양이며, 가로는 78피트 (23.77m), 세로는 36피트 (10.97m)입니다. 싱글스를 할 때는, 코트의 너비는 27피트 (8.23m)로 줄어듭니다. 이는 플레이어가 볼을 공격하거나 방어할 수 있는 영역을 정의합니다.

또한, 테니스 볼과 라켓의 선택도 중요합니다. 테니스 볼은 일반적으로 노란색이며, 무게는 56.0–59.4 그램, 지름은 6.54–6.86cm 입니다. 라켓은 73.7cm의 길이 제한이 있으며, 프레임의 너비는 31.75cm를 넘을 수 없습니다. 볼과 라켓의 선택은 개인의 플레이 스타일과 편안함에 따라 달라집니다.

테니스의 스코어링 방식은 다소 독특하며, 이해하는 데 약간의 시간이 필요할 수 있습니다. 테니스에서는 포인트, 게임, 세트로 승부가 결정됩니다. 처음 두 포인트는 각각 15와 30으로 계산되며, 세 번째 포인트는 40으로 표기합니다. 만일 점수가 40-40이 되면, 이를 ‘듀스’라고 부릅니다. 듀스에서는 플레이어가 연속으로 두 포인트를 따야 게임을 이길 수 있습니다.

게임과 세트의 개념도 중요합니다. 한 세트는 보통 6개의 게임으로 이루어지며, 최소 두 게임 차이로 이겨야 합니다. 만일 세트가 6-6으로 동점이 된다면, 타이브레이크를 통해 승자를 결정하게 됩니다.

테니스 규칙
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테니스 엘보 자가 치료 방법 [2023]

테니스는 인기 있는 운동이지만, 오버 트레이닝으로 인해 테니스 엘보 증후군이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 문제는 팔꿈치 주변의 힘줄에 염증이 생기는 상황을 의미합니다. 테니스 엘보는 통증, 불편감, 그리고 기능 저하를 일으킬 수 있으며, 조기 치료와 예방적인 조치가 중요합니다. 이 글에서는 테니스 엘보 자가 치료 방법에 대한 이해, 증상, 예방 및 관리를 위한 자가 치료 방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

테니스 엘보는 팔꿈치 외부 부분에 위치한 힘줄인 외측 상완골관절 힘줄의 염증으로 발생하는 문제입니다. 이 힘줄은 손목의 반대 방향으로 손목을 굽히는 힘을 전달하는 역할을 합니다. 테니스 엘보는 주로 테니스와 같은 스윙 운동에서 반복적인 스트레스에 의해 발생할 수 있습니다. 그러나 다른 운동이나 일상 생활에서도 발생할 수 있으며, 테니스를 하지 않는 사람들도 이 문제에 걸릴 수 있습니다.

테니스 엘보 증후군은 외측 상완골관절 힘줄의 염증으로 인해 발생하는 통증과 불편감을 포함한 상태를 말합니다. 주로 팔꿈치의 외측 부위에서 통증이 발생하며, 이 통증은 손목 운동이나 그립을 사용하는 동작 시 더욱 심해질 수 있습니다. 테니스 엘보는 일상 생활과 운동 활동에 지장을 주는 불편한 상태이며, 조기에 대처하지 않으면 만성화될 수 있습니다.

테니스 엘보는 주로 팔꿈치의 반복적인 스트레스에 의해 발생합니다. 테니스의 스윙 동작에서 발생하는 과도한 힘과 반복적인 팔 움직임은 힘줄에 스트레스를 가하고 염증을 일으킬 수 있습니다. 테니스 엘보를 일으킬 수 있는 다른 요인으로는 잘못된 기술, 너무 긴장된 그립, 부적절한 장비, 근력 부족, 스트레스, 나이, 그리고 테니스 경력의 부족 등이 있습니다.

테니스 엘보의 증상이 있다면 자가 진단을 통해 테니스 엘보 의심을 할 수 있습니다. 테니스 엘보는 팔꿈치 외측 부위에서 통증을 느끼는 것으로 특징짓기 때문에 팔꿈치 주변의 통증을 경험하면 테니스 엘보의 가능성을 고려해볼 수 있습니다. 그러나 정확한 진단을 위해서는 전문가의 진단과 의견이 필요합니다.

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테니스 잘하는 방법 [2023]

테니스는 다양한 기술과 전략을 필요로 하는 매력적인 운동입니다. 테니스는 그 독특한 경기 형식과 빠른 움직임, 전략적인 사고를 요구하여 많은 사람들에게 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 이 글에서는 테니스 잘하는 방법 및 필요한 신체적 요건부터 기술 요소, 전략과 훈련 방법, 그리고 심리적 요소까지 다양한 측면을 다루어 보겠습니다.

테니스는 그 독특한 매력으로 많은 사람들에게 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 테니스는 스포츠의 매력과 경기의 전략성을 결합한 운동으로서 많은 도전과 성취감을 제공합니다. 또한 테니스는 사회적인 활동이기도 하며, 친구나 가족과 함께 즐길 수 있는 운동입니다. 테니스는 실내, 야외에서 모두 즐길 수 있으며, 나이나 경험에 관계없이 누구나 참여할 수 있는 매력적인 운동입니다.

테니스를 잘하기 위해서는 몇 가지 신체적 요건이 필요합니다. 체력과 스태미너는 테니스 경기에서 오랜 시간 동안 높은 수준의 활동을 유지하기 위해 필수적입니다. 테니스는 빠른 움직임과 긴 경기 시간을 요구하므로 체력과 스태미너를 향상시키는 것이 중요합니다. 민첩성과 반사 신경은 테니스에서 빠른 반응과 정확한 움직임을 가능하게 해주는 요소입니다.

테니스에서는 빠른 방향 변환과 공을 받아치는 등의 움직임이 중요하므로 민첩성과 반사 신경을 개발하는 것이 필요합니다. 근력과 유연성은 테니스에서 다양한 스윙과 움직임을 수행하기 위해 필수적입니다. 테니스에서는 공격적인 스윙과 긴 거리를 이동하는 등 다양한 움직임이 요구되므로 근력과 유연성을 향상시키는 것이 중요합니다.

테니스를 잘하기 위해서는 다양한 기술 요소를 익히고 훈련해야 합니다. 스윙과 스트로크 테크닉은 테니스에서 공을 치는 기술적인 요소입니다. 각각의 스윙과 스트로크는 다른 스타일과 상황에 적합하도록 다양한 방법으로 수행됩니다. 서브와 리턴 테크닉은 테니스에서 경기를 시작하고 상대의 서브에 대응하는 기술입니다.

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테니스 운동 칼로리는 얼마나 될까? [2023]

테니스는 매력적이고 인기 있는 운동으로 알려져 있습니다. 그 흥미로운 게임 형식과 경기의 전략성은 많은 사람들을 끌어들입니다. 하지만 테니스는 단지 재미있는 운동뿐만 아니라 건강에도 많은 이점을 제공합니다. 이 글에서는 테니스 운동이 건강에 미치는 영향과 테니스 운동 칼로리 소모에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

테니스는 그동안 많은 사람들에게 매력적으로 다가왔습니다. 그 이유는 다양한 요소들로 인해 사람들에게 많은 이점을 제공하기 때문입니다. 테니스는 경기 전략과 물리적인 기술을 조합하여 뛰어난 신체적인 능력과 전략적인 사고를 요구합니다. 또한 테니스는 사회적인 활동이기도 하며, 다른 사람들과의 상호작용과 친선 경쟁을 통해 즐길 수 있는 운동입니다. 이러한 이유로 인해 테니스는 전 세계적으로 많은 사람들 사이에서 인기 있는 운동 중 하나로 알려져 있습니다.

테니스는 신체의 다양한 부위를 활용하여 근력, 유연성 및 균형을 향상시키는 데 도움이 됩니다. 그리고 테니스는 유산소 운동의 한 형태로서 심폐 지구력을 향상시키는 데에도 도움이 됩니다. 이 운동은 우리의 심혈관 체계를 강화하고, 혈액 순환을 촉진하여 전반적인 신체 건강을 증진시킵니다. 게다가 테니스는 고도의 집중력과 반응 속도를 요구하기 때문에 두뇌 기능과 인지 능력을 향상시키는 데에도 도움이 됩니다.

테니스는 유산소 운동의 한 형태로 분류됩니다. 유산소 운동은 심장 및 호흡 기능을 강화하며, 에너지 소비를 증가시켜 체중 감량에 도움을 줍니다. 테니스 경기 중에는 지속적인 움직임과 다양한 신체 부위의 사용으로 인해 호흡과 심장박동이 증가합니다. 이에 따라 테니스를 통한 유산소 운동은 심폐 기능을 향상시키고 대사 속도를 증가시켜 더 많은 칼로리를 소모하게 됩니다.

테니스는 전신적인 근육을 사용하여 근력을 향상시키는 데에도 도움이 됩니다. 경기 중에는 다리, 팔, 등, 복부 등 다양한 근육을 사용하여 공을 치고 이동합니다. 이러한 움직임은 근육을 자극하고 강화시키는 데에 효과적입니다. 따라서 테니스를 꾸준히 즐기면 근력과 근지구력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

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US Open Day 14: Djokovic Dismisses Federer to Win 10th Grand Slam Title


US Open Day 14: Djokovic Dismisses Federer to Win 10th Grand Slam Title

// Where do I begin? I can write 10 e-books about this result probably so this will basically be a summary. Congrats to the Djoker!!!!!! I am incredibly proud to call myself a fan today because of the immense composure Djokovic showed against a disgraceful crowd to win his 10th grand slam title. The stakes in this match were ridiculously high and the crowd was constantly shouting out when Djokovic was serving and cheering against him.It was classless behaviour as you would expect from the pro-Federer crowd but Djokovic kept his head down and heroically found a way and shut the crowd up. With everything that was at stake, the quality of the match was quite low compared to the Wimbledon final. But the scoreline was very similar and so was the pattern of play. Federer was the aggressor while Djokovic made his life hell.

Opening Set: 6-4 Djokovic
There was a three-hour delay to the start of the match due to rain which was highly frustrating and thank God this will be the last year without a roof at this cursed slam. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world from a Djoker fan perspective because the rain would slow down things and help him, but it also meant it was going to be a night match where Federer is at his best.When the players finally came out the very first game of this match showed that Federer was up against something entirely different than the rest of the losers he faced who folded like cheap tents. It set the tone for the match. The game went to several deuces before Federer finally held serve. Djokovic responded with a love service hold of his own. Another big statement. In Federer’s next service game, Djokovic already made his move.He did what I mentioned in my previous post which was to be aggressive and put Federer under pressure right off the bat when he hit a very aggressive forehand winner to go up 30-0. Federer saved the first break point at 15-40 but Djokovic took the second break point after an extended baseline rally for the break. That was obviously huge to set the tone for the match but in the next game Djokovic had a very bad fall after changing direction and slipping.

It was a bit of a scary moment but thankfully nothing serious apart from Djokovic leaving about half of his skin on the court. Not surprisingly that shook him up a bit and he dropped serve right away and then Federer held serve to love. Another big moment. Djokovic steadied himself in the next game though with a service hold to 15. And in the next service game he was at it again, breaking Federer with a precision backhand pass after trailing 0-30.Right back on top. In the next service game, Djokovic faced another break point but finally consolidated for 5-3. Federer held serve after going to deuce again and at 5-4 Djokovic held serve to love to win the all-important first set 6-4. From here on you liked Djokovic’s chances. It was absolutely imperative for Federer to make a strong start and not allow Djokovic to drag the match out, but as usual Djokovic proved he is Federer’s master in the big matches.The hype around Federer was immense as usual going into this final. Craig O’Shannessy, the lead analyst for the ATP Tour and many other big organisations listed 15 reasons why Federer is the favourite. Federer defeated Djokovic in Cincy, he didn’t lose a set up to the finals, the surface suits his attacking game, blah blah blah. It only took one set for these people to realize what a big mistake they made once again to jump on the Federer bandwagon.
Second Set: 7-5 Federer
Before I continue I have to bring up Luke Jensen who was the commentator for the ESPN broadcast here in South Africa who was an absolute disaster. His Federer bias and worship was so disturbing and evident that I had to switch off the sound for most of the match. But it is ESPN the worst tennis channel in the world after all so I guess that was not all that surprising. Back to the match.

The second set was a close affair and it was imperative for Federer to win it to stand any chance in the match. To his advantage, he served first which meant scoreboard pressure for Djokovic. At 5-4 and 30-30 on the Djokovic serve, Federer was once again piling on the pressure when he attacked the net with an aggressive backhand. Djokovic threw up a defensive backhand, but Federer went straight back to Djokovic who ripped the backhand straight at him forcing him into error.The Djoker erupted with a celebration that was just delicious to see. That game turned into a monumental struggle with Federer holding I don’t know how many set points. When Djokovic held serve to level at 5-5 it felt like another big moment. But with Djokovic serving at 5-6 and under more scoreboard pressure Federer brought up two more set points and finally took the second one. All squared.
Third Set: 6-4 Djokovic
I think in the first game of the second set Djokovic was threatening the Federer serve again but failed to break, and in the second game at 15-15 Federer began again with the SABR. He tried it several times in the match but this time Djokovic was up to the task. In some cases, it paid off but overall it failed so I now call it the FABR(Failed Attack By Roger). That said, I wasn’t overly convinced with the way Djokovic handled it.The one he did at 15-15 sat up waiting for Djokovic to drill it straight into the sitting duck at the net but he went for the pass and missed badly. Federer did it again on the very next point but this time Djokovic embarrassed Federer who couldn’t keep up with the pace of shot from Djokovic. Same as in the opening set, Djokovic broke serve in the third game. Ajde! But same as in the first set as well Federer broke straight back in the next game.Fuck! This match was beginning to wear on me. The tension was already unbearable. Djokovic appeared to be unbelievably nervous as well. Probably the crowd had a lot to do with that as well but since I had to silence Jensen I didn’t know at the time just how much the crowd was getting involved. And then of course there was an awful lot at stake so I can’t blame him really. As a fan, this was by far the most nervous I’ve ever been before a tennis match.

The tension was already sky high before the first ball was struck so I can’t imagine what the players must have felt. At 3-4 Djokovic squandered a 40-0 lead on his serve and faced several break points. This was not the Djokovic I knew. This was the old Djokovic who choked when things got tough. But somehow he found a way to hold onto his serve in which was probably the most important game of the match.There were several games that took ages to complete and which was absolutely nerve-wracking and this was certainly one of them. If Federer held his nerve and broke serve there he would probably have won the third set and been in a very strong position. But he didn’t. He choked. The same way he choked against Nadal in the 2009 Australian Open final in the third set when he had Nadal at his mercy.And since Djokovic is a killer like Nadal he came back from 15-40 in Federer’s next service game to break. You don’t give Djokovic second chances. He smells blood like a shark and rips you to shreds. Federer was still fighting hard but Djokovic held serve to win the third set and now the writing was all but on the wall. Could Federer come back from two sets to love down against Djokovic at age 34? It seemed unlikely.
Deciding Set: 6-4 Djokovic
Djokovic seemed more relaxed at the start of the fourth set as he broke Federer’s opening service game. He was still far from making things easy on himself, though. He was still struggling mightily on his own service game while he allowed Federer way too many easy service games. But I guess this is truer for the entire match. There wasn’t anything clinical about this performance and it was the hardest tennis match I ever had to watch.He also missed some ridiculously easy shots, while at the same times making some ridiculously difficult ones. In particular at 1-0 in the second set when Federer was trying to intimidate with the SABR again. He lobbed Federer consecutively for clean winners which were just delicious to see. At 4-2 and 30-40 on Federer’s serve came one of the points of the match which ended in Federer shanking an overhead into the crowd after another superb lob from Djokovic.

















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Federer Receives Favorable Draw at US Open

Federer Receives Favorable Draw at US Open

[1] Djokovic
[28] Garcia-Lopez
[22] Kohlschreiber
[13] Isner

[9] Tsonga
[24] Bennneteau
[31] Verdasco
An. Kuznetsov
[8] Murray

[3] Wawrinka
[21] Youzhny
[16] Robredo

[10] Nishikori
[WC] Odesnik
[23] Mayer
[29] Rosol
Estrella Burgos
[5] Raonic

[6] Berdych
[27] Giraldo
[19] Lopez
De Schepper
[11] Gulbis







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Wimbledon Draw – Murray in Federer’s Half

Wimbledon Draw – Murray in Federer’s Half


DJOKOVIC, Novak SRB [1] vs KOHLSCHREIBER, Philipp GERNIEMINEN, Jarkko FIN vs HEWITT, Lleyton AUS (WC)HERBERT, Pierre-Hugues FRA (Q) vs CHUNG, Hyeon KORSTRUFF, Jan-Lennard GER vs TOMIC, Bernard AUS [27]MAYER, Leonardo ARG [24] vs KOKKINAKIS, Thanasi AUSTIPSAREVIC, Janko SRB vs GRANOLLERS, Marcel ESPILHAN, Marsel TUR vs JANOWICZ, Jerzy POLPOUILLE, Lucas FRA vs ANDERSON, Kevin RSA [14]CILIC, Marin CRO [9] vs MORIYA, Hiroki JPN (Q)HAIDER-MAURER, Andreas AUT vs BERANKIS, Ricardas LTUEBDEN, Matthew AUS (WC) vs ROLA, Blaz SLOSOEDA, Go JPN vs ISNER, John USA [17]CUEVAS, Pablo URU [28] vs KUDLA, Denis USA (WC)GABASHVILI, Teymuraz RUS vs ZVEREV, Alexander GERSOUZA, Joao BRA vs GIRALDO, Santiago COLBOLELLI, Simone ITA vs NISHIKORI, Kei JPN [5]WAWRINKA, Stan SUI [4] vs SOUSA, Joao PORESTRELLA BURGOS, Victor DOM vs BECKER, Benjamin GERKLIZAN, Martin SVK vs VERDASCO, Fernando ESPSELA, Dudi ISR vs THIEM, Dominic AUT [32]ROBREDO, Tommy ESP [19] vs MILLMAN, John AUS (Q)YOUNG, Donald USA vs BAGHDATIS, Marcos CYPBROADY, Liam GBR (WC) vs MATOSEVIC, Marinko AUSZEBALLOS, Horacio ARG (Q) vs GOFFIN, David BEL [16]DIMITROV, Grigor BUL [11] vs DELBONIS, Federico ARGLACKO, Lukas SVK vs JOHNSON, Steve USADE SCHEPPER, Kenny FRA (Q) vs SMITH, John-Patrick AUS (Q)SAVILLE, Luke AUS (Q) vs GASQUET, Richard FRA [21]KYRGIOS, Nick AUS [26] vs SCHWARTZMAN, Diego ARGMONACO, Juan ARG vs MAYER, Florian GERLAJOVIC, Dusan SRB vs HAAS, Tommy GERGIMENO-TRAVER, Daniel ESP vs RAONIC, Milos CAN [7]FERRER, David ESP [8] vs WARD, James GBR (WC)VESELY, Jiri CZE vs LORENZI, Paolo ITAPOSPISIL, Vasek CAN vs MILLOT, Vincent FRA (Q)SMYCZEK, Tim USA vs FOGNINI, Fabio ITA [30]TROICKI, Viktor SRB [22] vs NEDOVYESOV, Aleksandr KAZ (Q)STEPANEK, Radek CZE vs BEDENE, Aljaz GBRBROWN, Dustin GER (Q) vs LU, Yen-Hsun TPEBELLUCCI, Thomaz BRA vs NADAL, Rafael ESP [10]TSONGA, Jo-Wilfried FRA [13] vs MULLER, Gilles LUXISTOMIN, Denis UZB vs RAMOS-VINOLAS, Albert ESPDOLGOPOLOV, Alexandr UKR vs EDMUND, Kyle GBR (WC)YMER, Elias SWE (Q) vs KARLOVIC, Ivo CRO [23]SEPPI, Andreas ITA [25] vs KLEIN, Brydan GBR (WC)STAKHOVSKY, Sergiy UKR vs CORIC, Borna CROHAASE, Robin NED vs FALLA, Alejandro COL (Q)KUKUSHKIN, Mikhail KAZ vs MURRAY, Andy GBR [3]BERDYCH, Tomas CZE [6] vs CHARDY, Jeremy FRAKRAJINOVIC, Filip SRB vs MAHUT, Nicolas FRA (WC)GULBIS, Ernests LAT vs ROSOL, Lukas CZEANDUJAR, Pablo ESP vs GARCIA-LOPEZ, Guillermo ESP [29]MONFILS, Gael FRA [18] vs CARRENO BUSTA, Pablo ESPMANNARINO, Adrian FRA vs BERRER, Michael GER (Q)SUGITA, Yuichi JPN (Q) vs KAVCIC, Blaz SLOALMAGRO, Nicolas ESP vs SIMON, Gilles FRA [12]LOPEZ, Feliciano ESP [15] vs DARCIS, Steve BELBASILASHVILI, Nikoloz GEO (Q) vs BAGNIS, Facundo ARGPAIRE, Benoit FRA vs YOUZHNY, Mikhail RUSBEMELMANS, Ruben BEL vs BAUTISTA AGUT, Roberto ESP [20]SOCK, Jack USA [31] vs GROTH, Sam AUSJAZIRI, Malek TUN vs DUCKWORTH, James AUSQUERREY, Sam USA vs SIJSLING, Igor NED (Q)DZUMHUR, Damir BIH vs FEDERER, Roger SUI [2]
Bottom Half
The draw is out and while Federer got Murray in his half, he has no Nadal to contend with in his quarter. That misfortune fell to Murray who will meet Nadal in the quarterfinals if they both progress that far. I for one hope that match happens. Murray has a poor record against Nadal in slams and it would be a good opportunity for him to improve on that. If you look at Nadal’s quarter it is not that tough if he gets through the first couple of rounds. Murray has some potential stumbling blocks in Tsonga, Karlovic, Muller, and Dolgopolov.

The dream is alive

Murray has the toughest draw of the big four. Federer’s draw isn’t a cakewalk either. His first four rounds shouldn’t be much of a problem, but then he could play Berdych. Not that Berdych is that big a threat, but he has beaten Federer at Wimbledon before. In the semis, it looks like Murray or Nadal. Both would be very difficult opponents for him. I don’t think Nadal is getting that far but with him I guess you never know. Anyway, Murray would be very tough with the form he’s been in.
Top Half
In the top half, Djokovic has a tough first round with Kohlschreiber after three weeks off. If he survives that then he should make quarterfinals where Isner could be difficult. Who knows who will come through in Stan’s quarter. It’s probably between Stan, Kyrgios, and Raonic. In the end, you’d think Djokovic will probably make the final, but my stance on draws is that they are almost entirely meaningless. They are hardly worth a post. It’s just a rough framework of what could happen, and I don’t like speculation.

Murray to conquer London again?

Final Thoughts
I think Federer has a good draw, despite the fact that he got Murray. I think this is also his last realistic chance of winning a slam. It’s now or say goodbye to bel18ve forever. Personally, I don’t care whether he wins it or not. It would be a great story if he can do it no doubt, but I don’t expect it and it won’t bother me in the least if it doesn’t happen. Fedal have won enough. Djokovic already buried Nadal at the French and Murray could do the same to Federer at Wimbledon.I wouldn’t mind another Djokoray final at all. Murray has dominated the rivalry on grass but they’ve only had two meetings on the surface, and I think Djokovic was tired in the 2013 final after a very difficult match with Del Potro in the semis. He looked tired in the final and if they met in the final again this year I think it would be a much closer encounter. I think Djokovic is ready to defend his title too. He got a tough first round but if he gets past that I like his chances.

Djokovic played the Boodles event as a warm-up


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Djokovic Wins Second Monte Carlo Title Over an Inspired Berdych


Djokovic Wins Second Monte Carlo Title Over an Inspired Berdych

Hi folks. So today I couldn’t watch the whole final but as far as I was concerned the final had already been played. Actually today’s match turned out to be a way more competitive match than the Djokodal semi, as far as the scoreline goes anyway. The scoreline of the Djokodal match was somewhat deceiving because they always play at a very high intensity and high-quality tennis. Credit to Berdych though because from what I saw he played well and he can be a very awkward opponent.

He has also been very consistent this year and lies second in the race behind Djokovic. I think the fact that Djokovic led the head-to-head 18-2 going into this match actually counted in Berdych’s favor because the odds of getting a win over a player who has a huge lead in the head-to-head increase the bigger the lead gets. We saw what happened at the Australian Open this year when Nadal led Berdych 18-3 in the head-to-head and Berdych defeated Nadal in straight sets.

But Djokovic is just playing too well at the moment for that to happen and found a way to win.

Opening set

As was the case against Nadal, Djokovic dropped serve in the opening game and trailed 0-2 against an inspired Berdych. This time he didn’t break back straight away, but he did get the break in the sixth game to tie at 3-3. He then also broke in the eighth game to take a 5-3 lead and serve for the set. Berdych was not gonna watch Djokovic turn things around that easily though and this time it was him who broke back and then he leveled at 5-5. Djokovic held serve and at 6-5 and 40-15 he had two set points on the Berdych serve.







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US Open Day 12: Djokovic and Federer Smash the Opponent, to Meet in Fourth Slam Final

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Djokovic Wins 24th Masters Title Over Federer in Rome

Djokovic Wins 24th Masters Title Over Federer in Rome

// First of all my sympathies to Fedfans and second congrats to the Djoker and his fans. With his 4th Rome title, the Djoker surpasses Roger in Masters titles won and it looks very likely that he will surpass Nadal too to get the record. He has now also won every big tournament(Masters and up) that he played since losing to Roger in Shanghai last year.

Opening Set
There wasn’t much in his match until Roger set up a break point at 4-4 and deuce with a forehand drive down the line which forced the Djoker into error. The point that followed was definitely a key point. The Djoker played a rock solid point where he hit with great depth and finally forced Roger into error with an attacking inside out forehand. If Roger had won that point it is very likely he would have won the set, but the Djoker was just very clutch. In the next game, the Djoker played a very good return game to get the break and the set.

Roger went down 0-30 I think but reeled the Djoker in with some great net play to 30-30. At deuce, there was another key point as the Djoker came up with a US Open 2011-like return winner cross court to set up set point. He then made another very deep return off a first serve from Roger and kept great depth until dropping one short which Roger netted.
Second Set
After winning the first set, the Djoker was immediately the big favorite to win it. The Djoker held his serve in the opening game of the second set after which he set up a break point in the second game. Roger saved it with a tremendous backhand winner up the line, but the Djoker ended up breaking anyway. And then when he consolidated for 3-0 you figured the match was pretty much a done deal. The Djoker had a break point in the next game as well for the double break, but at least Roger avoided a possible bakery product.

Roger also did his part by making the Djoker serve out the match at 5-3 but this time there would be no miraculous comeback as Roger hit a routine forehand well wide to lose the match.
Closing Observations
In the end, it was a routine scoreline and it wasn’t a classic in any sense of the word, but it was still a high-quality match as you can see from the match stats. When both players hit more winners than unforced errors it is a sign of high-quality tennis. Both players had great serving days as well. The Djoker’s serve has improved recently and when he serves at 70% first serves on top of a rock solid baseline game then he becomes almost impossible to beat. The Djoker’s returns and passing shots is another big factor.

As you can see Roger didn’t win a big percentage of net points because of this. His second serve was also under loads of pressure. On a slower court like this it was always going to be an uphill struggle for Roger. The courts were playing faster than usual this week and today was probably the hottest day of the week, but it still wasn’t enough. The Djoker is just too solid and impenetrable from the baseline. You had the feeling if Roger won that break point and won the first set, the Djoker would have won in three sets anyway.
Federer’s Week
As far as Roger goes I think Fedfans should feel very good about his week. At the beginning of the week, we were just hoping he could make semis, but he surpassed that and made the final. Of course Fedfans always want more and yes it would have been nice if he won, especially after losing last year to Stan in the Monte Carlo final as well. This was another chance that got away to win one of the two elusive Masters he has never won. That said, I think it is great that he is making the Rome final at this stage of his career.Maybe not necessarily making the Rome final, because he did that in 2013 when he was playing poorly too, but the level of his play on clay. It is nice to see after that Davis Cup match against Gasquet last year that he is indeed so far resurrecting his clay tennis. The performances from Berdych and Stan were strange, but Roger still played very well. And this was exactly the kind of result he would have looked for after the early loss to Kyrgios in Madrid. So from my point of view this was another superb week for Roger.I can only speak for myself. I know many Fedfans get very disappointed after a loss like this and tend to look at the negatives. The way I see it Roger did as well as he could and lost to the better player in the final. Simple as that. He will go to the French Open with loads of confidence with a great shot of making semis. I don’t know what more you can ask as a Fedfan at this point.
Looking Ahead
As for the Djoker, he continues his utter dominance of the ATP Tour after looking vulnerable earlier in the week. You gotta respect the way he came up with his best tennis when it mattered the most in the semis and final. Today he was impeccable. I think it is fair for me to say he is the French Open favorite again, even after I made the wrong prediction last year. Nadal is always a danger and Roger actually said after the match that Nadal is still the favorite. I don’t know if there was any emotion involved in that comment, but he will say that until Nadal loses again at the French Open anyway, so I’m not sure how much to read into it.Personally I hope the Djoker wins the French Open. I certainly don’t want Nadal to win it again and I think the Djoker deserves the title by now, having come the closest of anyone to beating Nadal at the French aside from Nadal’s loss to Soderling of course. Nadal’s loss to Stan in Rome, on the other hand, can’t bode very well for his French Open hopes. If he is to win the French Open this year it will be the first time he does it without winning a Masters on clay during the clay season.


















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Djokovic and Federer Win First Round Matches at Wimbledon | Ultimate Tennis Blog

Djokovic and Federer Win First Round Matches at Wimbledon

Before I continue with my post I just want to correct something from my previous post where I said that if Djokovic wins Wimbledon he will become the first man to win five consecutive slams. That is incorrect.

He will become the first man in the open era to do so if he does it because Don Budge won six consecutive slams in the amateur era from 1937-1938. It’s a minor detail but worth mentioning I thought.

Djokovic is currently on a historic run and every match he wins is more history. Today he defeated local player Ward 6-0, 7-6(3), 6-4 after leading 6-0, 3-0. It was a blistering start from the two-time defending champion but as soon as Ward got on the board he started playing with much more self-belief.

At 6-0, 3-0 the triple bagel looked possible but Ward won three consecutive games to level at 3-3. He even had a couple of break points at 5-5 on Djokovic’s serve but couldn’t convert. Djokovic all of a sudden looked vulnerable.



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Djokovic and Nadal to Meet for 47th Time in Doha Final | Ultimate Tennis Blog

Djokovic and Nadal to Meet for 47th Time in Doha Final

As expected, Djokovic and Nadal made it to the final of Doha but not without some trouble in the case of Nadal who went to three sets twice.

Djokovic hasn’t been at his best either needing a tiebreak in the second set today against Berdych and being 3-5 down in the second set against Mayer yesterday. As usual, though, Djokovic raised his game when it mattered most.

Djokovic was on the verge of losing his first set since the Paris semis last year when he trailed Mayer by 3-5 in the second set but reeled off four straight games to win 6-3, 7-5. It has to be said he had help from Mayer as well.

Today against Berdych in the second set tiebreak, however, he just raised his game to win the breaker 7-3 and the match 6-3, 7-6(3). But like I said, Djokovic has not looked like his old self so far in 2016.



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Nadal and Federer One Match Away from Basel Final Encounter

Nadal and Federer One Match Away from Basel Final Encounter

Hmmm, this is getting interesting. After Nadal dropped the first set against Cilic today I thought the dream had ended but it is still alive after both Nadal and Federer had three-set wins today. Nadal came back to defeat Cilic 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 while Federer defeated Goffin 6-3, 3-6, 6-1 in another less than convincing performance. Is it because Nadal is lurking in the draw or because Federer is still burned out?

Maybe a combination of the two. Who knows. The point is he has not been convincing and it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow if Nadal defeats Gasquet, which is the first semi-final. Federer may even lose to Sock who defeated Young 5-7, 6-4, 6-2. At least Sock has a big serve and forehand as opposed to Goffin who lacks weapons. Federer should win, but the subconscious effect of Nadal can’t be underestimated.

I really wouldn’t be surprised at all if we don’t see a Fedal final, but one can dream. Gasquet today defeated Karlovic 6-4, 6-7(2), 7-6(6) which was a great win for him. It was also the ninth time Karlovic lost in a final set tie-break this year. I’m not complaining. I’m no serve bot fan. Nadal leads Gasquet 13-0 in the head-to-head. I like the way Nadal has been finding a way to win despite the surface not being suitable to his game.



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Nadal Calls Federer the Best

Nadal Calls Federer the Best

Q. I have a different question for you. Everyone in tennis loves Roger, respects Roger. He is said to be the best of all time. Yet two out of every three times you play him, you win. You’ve won six of the last seven times. Who’s a better player?
RAFAEL NADAL: You like this. You are focused on the Roger thing, eh? (laughter.)
Yesterday with the clay. Today with the if somebody says I am better than Roger, I think this person don’t know nothing about tennis. That’s my answer.

Q. How so?

Q. Yeah.
RAFAEL NADAL: So you don’t know nothing about tennis.
You see the titles of him and you see the titles of me? It’s no comparison. So that’s the answer. Is difficult to compare Roger with me now, because he has 16 Grand Slams; I have 6. Masters 1000, yeah, I have more than him. But for the rest of the things the records of Roger is very, very almost impossible to improve.

Q. The question is: Still, for the fans, it is interesting when you step on the court with him, you usually win.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I am No. 2 in the world for five years, so I think I am a good player, too. Sure, I can beat him. No. 2 can beat No. 1. That’s the thing. It’s not a lot of difference between No. 2 and No. 1 or between No. 1 and No. 10. That’s the tennis, and the tennis very close, the level, all the time.
But I can beat him, yes. The same time, the thing is I beat him a lot of times on clay. I beat him on other surfaces, too. But the most of the times I beat him on clay, so I played with him more times on clay than on the rest of the surfaces.



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HEAD Graphene Touch Speed Pro Tennis Racquet Review

If you’re almost mastering the sport and finally ready to take your training to the next level, it’s time to say goodbye to regular intermediate racquets and look for something that’s designed for professional tennis players.

We highly recommend the HEAD Graphene Touch Speed Pro because it’s not only for intermediate training but also for advanced competitions. No wonder it’s one of the best tennis racquets for intermediate players who have enough experience to compete.

This racquet is so effective for pros that even the iconic tennis player Novak Djokovic recommends it. Learn more about its features below.

Features and Specifications

New Graphene Technology

Since the HEAD Graphene Touch Speed Pro is one of the newer models of the brand, the technology it uses is better than previous versions in many ways. First off, its dampener is much more effective. This racquet is also lightweight, making it easier for your arms.

Specifically called the Touch technology, it involves having a shock-absorbent material combined with graphene to improve the feel and overall quality of the racquet. So don’t be surprised about how smooth your swings will be when you finally get to try this product. It won’t vibrate too much, enhancing comfort.

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HEAD Graphene Extreme MP Tennis Racquet Review

If you want to be a more versatile tennis player so you can do a wide variety of shots, we recommend the HEAD Graphene Extreme MP. It’s an all-court racquet with sufficient spin and power, making it a first-class option especially for players who are still mastering the sport. Read on to really understand why this product is one of the good tennis racquets for intermediate players.

Features and Specifications

Graphene Technology

Incorporating this kind of technology into the overall design of the HEAD Graphene Extreme MP is the main reason why this option has impressive stability, making it easier for you to control it. Your motions are going to be smoother and swifter, improving your agility. That’s actually pretty amazing, knowing that the structure of this tennis racquet is quite firm.

Synthetic Gut

The strings of this racquet are synthetic gut with tension in the middle. That’s why you can use it straight from the package. This is helpful for people who need to train as soon as possible or even for regular players who need a replacement pronto after accidentally breaking a part of their racquet.

This feature also makes this racquet a decent option for beginners. If a person doesn’t have enough knowledge about adjusting or maintaining racquets, he won’t get frustrated with this product.

Lightweight Structure

Compared to a similar model from the same brand, the MP design is lighter. No wonder it’s easier to swing even if the strength of your arms isn’t enough. A more effortless swing can enhance power and maneuverability.

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